Collection of horse-drawn carriages

The collection of horse-drawn carriages

Its own heritage identity
Funny cars

The Haras national du Pin has an exceptional collection of horse-drawn carriages, most of which are protected as historical monuments.

During the guided tour, the visitor discovers this collection. Horse-drawn carriages bear witness to a 19th century art of living, customs and traditions: all the details of these old-fashioned cars reveal the comfort and safety of travelers, their social condition, their habits ...
The bodywork, a French know-how

Today the horse-drawn heritage represents 4,500 cars in Europe, from the large ceremonial coach to the small English cart. 1,300 bear the hallmark of a French coachbuilder. Bodywork is one of the most prestigious areas of French artisanal and technical creation.
All details are carefully considered and in themselves represent a work of art.
Horse-drawn carriages are remarkable for the richness and luxury of their materials, the beauty and splendor of their decoration, their extraordinary dimensions, and above all their exceptional status as animated objects, kinds of stages or rolling theaters, intended for dazzle the crowds.
The bodywork has long been in tune with the artistic context of each era, it has evolved at the same rate as the decorative fashions.
French cars have established themselves on the international market for their beauty, quality, luxury and perfection. This supremacy of French taste without rival in the world of industrial arts has imposed our national bodywork as the model that many foreign manufacturers seek to emulate.

An exceptional collection at Le Pin

In 1991, Jean-Louis LIBOUREL, heritage curator and keen on horse-drawn carriage, undertook the first historical study on the horse-drawn heritage of the Haras national du Pin. This unprecedented historical research was the opportunity to publish a book called Itinerary of Heritage on horse-drawn carriages of Le Pin. Today, thanks to the patronage of Jean-Paul GUERLAIN and the Heritage Foundation, two extremely elegant cars have been restored: the closed milord and the travel coupe or "sleeper".
We have a collection of five horse-drawn vehicles in the shed which visitors can access during the guided tour.

Closed Milord or French Cab:

Copyright: Anaïs CLERET
This car was made by Jacques Rothschild, renowned for the manufacture of luxury cars and elegant cars (no connection with the Rothschild family), which is notably the closed Milord. Car used for city trips but impractical to use, it has had little success. Four copies exist in France, including only one, here at Haras national du Pin, in public collections.

The Phaeton:

Copyright: Anaïs CLERET
It takes its origin from Greek mythology. It was the Son of Helios, the sun, who took his father's chariot, and the universe almost set ablaze. The cars that bear this name had fine and light looks from the 17th century and sporty from the 18th century. In the back, we can see the seats for the servants.

The Grand Break:

Copyright: Anaïs CLERET
The large station wagon was used in the Studs to transport the guests of the manager or the breeders to take them around the Estate and thus see the stallions.

The Park Drag or Road Coach:

Copyright: Anaïs CLERET
Built in London at the end of the 19th century by the Holland & Holland firm, this car was donated by Baronne de Zuylen to Haras national du Pin. It is a private vehicle for the transport of travelers; it is the most sought after by hitch enthusiasts. It is still harnessed to 4 horses. It is a leisure car, used for walks, country parties, picnics and to get to the hippodrome where it served as a private lodge like the theater.

The travel coupe or sleeper:

Copyright: Anaïs CLERET
Built in Paris in the middle of the 19th century. This robust car, intended for long journeys, has been designed to face all roads, in the worst conditions, offering travelers the maximum comfort and safety. The hitch in post, with four horses led by two postilions, mounted on the horses on the left, ensured safer driving.

Collection of horse-drawn carriages



A symbol of heritage, unique to the National Stud institution and to “Le Pin” National Stud

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Haras National du Pin
61310 Le Pin au Haras

Phone : +33 (0)2 33 36 68 68